Living abundantly can mean what ever you want. It is what ever brings you joy. Sometimes living frugally can be hard and a grind, even now when I am retired. Saving money and living sustainably [...]
I always do my thinking when I am cooking and yesterday I was thinking about how what we see as necessities has changed. I can remember the days when if you had a television or [...]
In 2009 I changed my life through life coaching. I trained to be a coach myself because I had lost who I was, was broken and I wanted to put the pieces back together in [...]
How to stay frugal but keep connected with those you care about
I am away with my daughter this weekend in Stratford Upon Avon. It is such a lovely place. She lives in Wales and so we met somewhere in between. There is always that dilemma when [...]
Across generations there is as much to learn as there is to teach
My Gran always had sayings like "waste not want not", or "use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without". Some of my older friends are saying to me that people are [...]
Making one of my Gran's recipes that she used during the war, yesterday, made me reflect on how much food most of us live on now compared to then. I am brilliant at making meals [...]
I like to lead a simple life but I do love some of my time saving, modern devices. I was thinking yesterday, as I used the stand mixer to make my butter, how hard life [...]
I was looking through an old cookery book this afternoon, searching for new cheap meals. Ingredients that were once seen as cheap are now expensive. It got me thinking about how habits have changed over [...]
This is my philosophy, and why I live a simple, frugal life.
Reducing the unnecessary, like stress, bad habits, material possessions, wealth, over spending, debt etc, makes time and space for loved ones, for learning, for joy, creating, peace, nature, travelling, and all the the other things [...]
Life can feel so overwhelming sometimes, especially if you are juggling work, kids, caring for parents, looking after a home, trying to keep in contact with friends, and (if you remember) looking after yourself. It [...]
Our standard of living is different from our quality of life.
All the headlines are saying that our standard of living is going to drastically drop. I am meant to feel scared and upset, but sometimes I wonder if our expectation of a constantly improving standard [...]
A lot of people are panicking about having less money but when I look back on my life now, the times that I have been the happiest have been when I have been broke. [...]
Why do we self sabotage? This week I have blown my budget on something I don't need (luckily I can take it back). I also set my intention to eat healthily as I have [...]
I was thinking this morning that I mustn't let this world economic mess at the moment, stop us following our dreams. Even at my poorest I have still lived my best life and I [...]
Don’t forget to live, enjoy and appreciate each day now.
Everyone in the UK is talking about power cuts and worrying about future increased energy prices. Sometimes we get so busy planning, preparing or worrying about the future that we forget to live, enjoy and [...]