• 4 ways I use sea weed in the garden

    Published On: March 22, 2023Categories: Foraging For Food, Growing Food

    A free resource We were away by the coast last week and so I collected a bit of kelp seaweed for my garden as there was loads on the beach that I walked every day. [...]

  • Hazel Catkins

    Published On: March 2, 2023Categories: Foraging For Food

    I used to forage in my late teens to supplement my food but then my life improved and work and home took over and I rarely had time to forage, except for brambles.  I didn’t [...]

  • Foraging for Apples

    Published On: December 30, 2022Categories: Desserts, Foraging For Food, Saving Money

    Apple trees are everywhere.  Birds drop seeds and they spring up unnoticed. Some times Councils plant them. Over the years I have become more mindful of what is around me when I walk and suddenly [...]


    Published On: October 11, 2022Categories: Foraging For Food, Preserves, Recipes

    WILD GARLIC The woods are full of wild garlic near me and so we picked some whilst on our daily walk.  If you intend to pick some make sure you pick away from the paths [...]

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

    Published On: September 29, 2022Categories: Foraging For Food, Preserves

    I  hate waste and like to use up every bit of every thing that I have. Today I made a lot of raspberry and apple compote to water bath from some foraged apples and raspberries [...]

  • Rosehip Syrup

    Published On: September 8, 2022Categories: Foraging For Food

    I use foraging to increase my nutrition each year. I am seeing loads of rosehips in the hedges and so I am going to pick some and take them home to makevrosehip syrup. The [...]

  • Elderflower Cordial

    Published On: September 8, 2022Categories: Foraging For Food

    It is that time of year again. I always pick some elderflower in May to make this refreshing drink. It grows a long the canal near where I live. The flowers have healing qualities [...]

  • Dandelion Cordial

    Published On: September 8, 2022Categories: Foraging For Food

    I try to keep my food budget low and so cordials and bought drinks are for special occasions. I get fed up of water sometimes and so make cordials from fruit from the garden [...]

  • Blackberry crumble

    Published On: August 15, 2022Categories: Desserts, Foraging For Food

    As you know from my last post the blackberries are out in Yorkshire now. Out of all the berries you can get blackberries have the most antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and they are FREE. [...]

  • Foraging for nutrition

    Published On: August 13, 2022Categories: Foraging For Food

    Nature offers a lot more variety than the supermarket. Domestically we only farm about 35 plants but there are about 700 edible plants out there in the countryside. During the first lockdown our fruit and [...]