Published On: May 9, 2023Categories: Growing Food

    The picture is of my basil seedlings and you might think that there are a lot (I actually have two boxes like these!) but I plant a lot of tomatoes in bucket and tubs and [...]

  • Health benefits of raspberry leaves

    Published On: May 8, 2023Categories: Foraging For Food, Growing Food

    I have only just found out how beneficial raspberry leaves are to our general health, though I remember drinking raspberry leaf tea when I was pregnant in the early 1980s.  The books of the time [...]

  • A morning in the garden in May

    Published On: May 6, 2023Categories: Growing Food

    It has been a cold year here in the UK and many vegetables that I usually grow are very behind in their growth, despite the fact that I sowed lots of seeds in February.  I [...]

  • Pricking out

    Published On: April 4, 2023Categories: Growing Food

    The excitement and exhaling of breath as seeds have germinated this year feels stronger than previously.  It has been a long winter and my intention to keep my food budget low, and still enjoy meals, [...]

  • 4 ways I use sea weed in the garden

    Published On: March 22, 2023Categories: Foraging For Food, Growing Food

    A free resource We were away by the coast last week and so I collected a bit of kelp seaweed for my garden as there was loads on the beach that I walked every day. [...]

  • 8 Crops to grow quickly

    Published On: March 6, 2023Categories: Growing Food

    When I first started growing food, I was impatient to have something to show for my hard work and so I grew the following crops that I knew that I could harvest quickly.  I was [...]

  • Am I sowing my seeds right?

    Published On: March 1, 2023Categories: Growing Food

    Is it worth growing my own food? People often ask me if growing your own food is worth is and if you save money?  In the past I have always said that it depends on [...]

  • Reducing slugs and snails naturally

    Published On: February 22, 2023Categories: Growing Food

    It is so disheartening when you have grown your crops from seed, lovingly nurtured them, and then a great big slug or snail devours them over night.   Slug pellets are available, and not as bad [...]

  • Can I still grow vegetables and herbs if my garden is shaded?

    Published On: February 18, 2023Categories: Growing Food, Uncategorized

    A lot of people are planning their gardens for growing some food now. You might think that you can not grow vegetables in your garden due to shade.  Luckily , there are some vegetables that [...]

  • The benefits of starting your own vegetable and herb garden

    Published On: February 2, 2023Categories: Growing Food

    I think that we all know by now that supermarket prices are out of control and providing a nutritious diet for ourselves and our family is getting harder.  More people are thinking of giving up [...]

  • 7 Ways gardening can improve your health

    Published On: January 28, 2023Categories: Growing Food, Wellbeing

    Gardening is not just a hobby, a way of making your house look pretty, or a tool to save money on food. According to the British medical journal gardening prolongs life of over 60s by [...]

  • Crops that survive or actually improve with a frost.

    Published On: January 14, 2023Categories: Growing Food, Uncategorized

    I don't plant many winter vegetables as, to be honest, I like a break from all the hard work of growing food, and I am a bit of a 'fair weather' gardener as I do [...]

  • How to make compost at home

    Published On: October 26, 2022Categories: Growing Food

    The price of compost is increasing, and with the cost of living rising, it almost feels like a luxury to buy a bag of compost now.  However, it is a necessity if I want to [...]

  • Sowing seeds

    Published On: October 11, 2022Categories: Growing Food

    I have sown my first seeds now that the soil that I put into the containers has warmed up inside the house. It is too cold to sow anything outside yet and sowing into cold [...]

  • Cheap ways to grow your own vegetables

    Published On: August 13, 2022Categories: Growing Food

    As I wandered around my garden last night. I felt so grateful. I have salad leaves, cucumbers, spinach, raspberries, rhubarb, peas, strawberries, chickory and courgettes, all there on hand to enhance my diet and reduce [...]

  • Free food grown in tubs and buckets

    Published On: August 13, 2022Categories: Growing Food

    At the moment I am getting free food every day. It helps me feel in control and stops me stressing about rising prices. You don't need much room. Most of mine is grown in tubs [...]

  • Vegan gardening.

    Published On: August 11, 2022Categories: Growing Food

    I have often wondered how vegans source their vegetables as a lot of those that you find in the supermarket have actually been fertilised with animal products, or been sprayed with chemicals toxic to wildlife. [...]