Published On: January 23, 2025Categories: Desserts
This dessert was very fashionable when I was young and can still be found in supermarkets and bakeries. It is easy to make from staples in the cupboards and fridge. Mr S loves them and [...]
Whenever the oven is on, I try to fill it. We are always baking ahead, not only to save money, but to save time. I will often cook some pastry pie lids or some tart [...]
My easy chocolate trifle is another dessert that I made at Christmas from what I had in the cupboards. It is a good way of using up chocolate sponge. I tend to make tray bakes [...]
Treacle tart
Published On: November 10, 2024Categories: Desserts
My gran used to make this for me when I was a child and so I am going to used her basic recipe which is frugal. I will then offer ideas of how to make [...]
Home made no churn ice cream
Published On: November 7, 2024Categories: Desserts
Some one commented on another post asking me to share my home made, no churn, ice cream recipe. I have put this on before, but I thought I might as well post it again as [...]
Making different compotes and how they frugally add joy to our diet.
Published On: September 15, 2024Categories: Desserts, Recipes
We have a very tight food budget and so there is not a lot of spare money for sweet treats. Compote has therefore become a treat that we make every week for very little cost. [...]
We are still using up the apples that we have foraged on a couple of occasions and have picked from our garden. I have stored some wrapped in newspaper and preserved some by dehydrating, making [...]
We have just started to visit a community fridge in a village nearby and this week we received lots of lemons and limes. As we were having friends to dinner on the Sunday we decided [...]
We entertained friends at the weekend and had made a couple of things that only needed egg yolks. I therefore needed to use up the egg whites so that they were not wasted. I had [...]
The rhubarb is loving all of this rain and so I am harvesting it a lot recently. Already I have made rhubarb gin, rhubarb brownies and a couple of days ago we made rhubarb crumble [...]
It is Mother's Day at the weekend here in the UK. A nice idea for a present is to make an afternoon tea. We used to make afternoon teas to earn extra money and one [...]
DATE CRUNCH We needed something sweet but I didn't want to put the oven on and bake. I decided to make date crunch as we have supermarket own brand rice crispies that need eating up [...]
Slightly healthy, sweet Christmas buffet dessert idea
I always try to make sure that there is some fruit and salad on the Christmas buffet table to we have some slightly healthy food. This year I managed to get some cheap strawberries (25p [...]
It has been cold this last week and I have been ill. As I started eating again I fancied a sponge pudding. I am living out of my cupboards and so am protective of ingredients [...]
Cheap, tasty, healthier bread and butter pudding.
Published On: September 2, 2023Categories: Desserts, Recipes
Bread and butter pudding is a favourite of Mr S. I usually only make it in winter, but a friend was throwing lots of crusts away after making an afternoon tea, and, hating waste I [...]
Every where I go walking at the moment I am spying elderflowers. Did you know that they have incredible health benefits? They are full of antioxidants, are anti-inflammatory and are so are good for my [...]
I like to make crumbles and we have a lot of different ones throughout the seasons. It tend to make a big batch of crumble when I have made some butter from reduced cream. I [...]
I have only just started making my yoghurt in a slow cooker, but both times it has turned out lovely and thick and I have not had to sieve it. Getting your yoghurt to the [...]
It is coming up to Mother's day and we used to make and sell afternoon teas for Mothers Day. One item that was always requested was our tiffin which is so easy to make. I [...]
English Pancake Recipe and Savoury and Sweet Fillings ideas
It is shrove Tuesday. The day when every one traditionally uses up all the things in their pantry that they are giving up for Lent (if they are religious) or just an excuse for eating [...]
I make fruit compote every week as it is easy, uses up gluts of fruit, it can be made from frozen fruit straight from the freezer, and it is so versatile to have in the [...]
Apple trees are everywhere. Birds drop seeds and they spring up unnoticed. Some times Councils plant them. Over the years I have become more mindful of what is around me when I walk and suddenly [...]
Published On: October 8, 2022Categories: Desserts, Snacks
QUICK APPLE PIE I have said before that if you have wraps you have a meal. You can use them in so many ways. I make my own wraps as they work out a lot [...]
As you know from my last post the blackberries are out in Yorkshire now. Out of all the berries you can get blackberries have the most antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and they are FREE. [...]