• The importance of cleaning your bought fruit and vegetable

    Published On: February 1, 2025Categories: Healthy food, Wellbeing

    Fruit and vegetables are a really important part of our nutrition. I hold my hands up that I never used to wash my fruit, and would eat an apple straight from the fruit bowl, or [...]

  • Journaling part 2 (benefits, getting started and prompts)

    Published On: January 11, 2025Categories: Wellbeing

    A few days ago I wrote an introduction to journaling which explained some of the different types of journaling and what you needed to start journaling. In this blog I will talk about some of [...]

  • Introduction to journaling

    Published On: January 9, 2025Categories: Wellbeing

    I mention in some of my wellbeing blogs that journaling helps me.  People have asked me to do a blog on this topic.  Journaling is a big topic to cover and so I will start [...]

  • Reduce worry

    Published On: January 6, 2025Categories: Wellbeing

    I have noticed that a lot of people around me are full of worry at the moment, and so I thought that I would right a blog to try to help reduce that worry. It [...]

  • Post Christmas Aftermath

    Published On: December 27, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas, but now it is over, once again.  That adrenaline rush of getting everything done on time has dissipated. All of that planning, all of that thought, [...]

  • The fight to keep life simple

    Published On: December 4, 2024Categories: Nutrition, Wellbeing

    I try to keep my life as uncomplicated and as simple as I can, but it is not always easy in this modern world.  Even though I live in my own little bubble, sometimes it [...]

  • Learning to live a simple frugal life through experience

    Published On: November 28, 2024Categories: Finding Happiness, Living Simply, Wellbeing

    I sometimes write content for other frugal bloggers, and one was asking me to write some content for her about living a slow, frugal life.  She was kind of wanting a blue print of how [...]

  • Trying not to fight winter

    Published On: November 21, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    I have decided that I need to be more like the plants and animals and not fight winter this year.  In the past I have always felt that winter made me lazy, and tried to [...]

  • Finding inner peace

    Published On: October 16, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    I have been told by people that have known me for a long time that I am a different person since I retired.  I really believe that it is because I have found a kind [...]

  • Strategies for quick, healthy meals when getting home from work

    Published On: October 15, 2024Categories: Saving money on food, Wellbeing

    I hear people tell me that they are too tired, or can not be bothered to cook after a long busy day at work and so that is why they use ready meals or pick [...]

  • How did we become so greedy?

    Published On: September 30, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    I need to reduce my weight for health reasons as I have not lost some of  the weight that I gained during the pandemic.  It has made me examine more closely what I consume, and [...]

  • Be gentle with yourself

    Published On: September 18, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    It took me a long time to learn to be gentle with myself when I was feeling down.  I felt like a failure, and guilty. I am writing this today for a friend in the [...]

  • The benefits of walking in nature

    Published On: September 15, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    I tend to spend less time outside in bad weather and in winter.  This is mainly due to the great British weather. Although I have all the correct wet weather gear, I hate getting wet [...]

  • Feeling Different

    Published On: September 15, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    This is a blog I wrote on another forum a number of years ago about feeling different.  In lots of ways I  feel different to many of the people around me still today.  I am [...]

  • Changing from a victim mindset to a victory mindset

    Published On: September 10, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    A lot of people have asked me recently how I changed my life. How I became happy even though I had little. The thing that made all the difference was swapping my victim mindset to [...]

  • Making an Autumn bucket List

    Published On: September 8, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    Every year as Autumn approaches I always start to feel down.  The nights draw in, I  start to worry about energy costs, and I don't get out in nature as much as I want to [...]

  • Could you survive with no electricity?

    Published On: August 21, 2024Categories: Prepping, Wellbeing

    I noticed that last week the energy companies warned us that there might be outages caused by solar storms.  I have also read about weapons that could be used in a war situations called EMPs [...]

  • Adapting to slow living

    Published On: August 16, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    For most of my adult life I had a full on, stressful career, was a single parent, studied, and it felt like my life was travelling at a hundred miles an hour and I hardly [...]

  • Why I make my own mixed herbs

    Published On: August 6, 2024Categories: Preserves, Wellbeing

    We use a lot of fresh herbs in the summer but our grand daughter asked me why we bother making our own mixed herbs.  She pointed out that they don't cost a lot to buy [...]

  • Useless at growing food.

    Published On: August 1, 2024Categories: Growing Food, Wellbeing

    I had a message from some one saying that they were giving up growing food as they were useless at it.  Seeds hadn't germinated, pests had destroyed crops, things had been slow to grow. and [...]

  • We have lived through worse and survived

    Published On: July 11, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    I have been a bit down recently, and am trying to shake myself out of it.  I don't know if it is just my age, and my grandparent's felt this way in the 1960s and [...]

  • Learning to adapt in order to be happy.

    Published On: July 4, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    I am witnessing so many unhappy and bitter people around me at the moment, most of them living much easier lives than I am. One of the reasons that I believe that I feel happy [...]

  • Grounding/Earthing

    Published On: May 30, 2024Categories: Wellbeing

    One of the reasons I went away recently was to do some 'grounding' or what some people call 'earthing'. Grounding is when your body has  direct contact with the earth's electronic charges which helps one [...]

  • 5 ways I embrace seasonal living

    Published On: April 16, 2024Categories: Living Simply, Wellbeing

    Not that many years ago, everyone's lives were ruled by the weather and the seasons. Living by the seasons was a necessary way of life in order to survive.  Now, seasonal living has almost been [...]