December 4, 2024

The fight to keep life simple

I try to keep my life as uncomplicated and as simple as I can, but it is not always easy in this modern world.  Even though I live in my own little bubble, sometimes it feels like the outside world keeps trying to pop it.  I have simplified my life by making it quieter, less materialistic, and with as little stress as possible.  I eat simply meals, have simple pleasures, and simple breaks away.  I don’t compete with anyone, and am happy living without a lot of material trappings.  It sounds easy, but it isn’t.  The busy rat race still encroaches on my life, almost daily, and I feel like I have to fight to keep life simple, sometimes.

An example is a place that I love to drive to, park up, and walk mindfully in nature, has now decided to start charging.  The machine doesn’t accept coins and so  I am supposed to download an app.  For  people like me that are happy with a simple, old phone, it is impossible.  Why is everything becoming so complicated?  Simple actions like trying to ring my car insurance on the phone leaves me tearing my hair out as all the different options of numbered buttons don’t seem to apply.  I am told to wait for an operator.  Ten minutes of listening to mind numbing music, and the line goes dead!  I go out into my garden for some peace with my plants but the sound of lawnmowers, drills, and house alarms spoil my peace.  This modern, busy life is still all around me.  I therefore have to find my own internal peace and tranquillity, do some meditation, or escape into the woods for some forest bathing.

A simple life sounds idyllic.  I get to spend time gardening, relaxing, walking in nature, and staying away from the stresses and strains of a fast paced life.  However, it takes a lot of effort to live on my small pension, spending as little as possible, and not be tempted to blow the emergency savings.  It involves resolve, growing my own food, foraging, preserving, and make staples like bread, yoghurt, and butter.  It involves planning, and looking for joy in the small things.  For other people it might involve completely different things as we all chose how simple we want to make our life.

Recently, newly elected politicians described people of my age, and not working, as lazy, and not contributing to the economy.  They want me to return to work, and the rat race that nearly destroyed me.  Not on your Nellie, the guilt tripping doesn’t work on me. They are not taking away the freedom that I have worked so hard for over the years.   Politicians have already taken 7 years of  my pension by raising the retirement age.  I am self sufficient, take no benefits, and still pay many taxes. Their description of me doesn’t feel fair, especially when I contribute to helping care for family, and volunteer in the community.

Every day I am bomb barded by emails, adverts, television programmes, trying to tempt me back into buying things, which could lead me back on to that hamster wheel. Family, neighbours, and friends also try to lure me back into the fast lane.  “Aren’t you bored?,”; “You could travel if you got a job,”; “Don’t you miss the luxuries?” and “You should monetise your website and make an income”. Some of them are almost ashamed and ridicule me, or are maybe jealous.  They had the same options but I think that they were not brave enough to give up what they think is a cosy life. It does take courage to make that leap.  I nearly wimped out of retiring early a number of times, and many people tried to talk me out of it. They didn’t understand that life is a lot cosier without bosses, dead lines, responsibilities, and key performance indicators.

The simple life isn’t just for us retired oldies, though,  Any one of any age can do it, even whilst working or bringing up a family.  It is just about learning to shed all the things that wear you down. and to bring some peace into your life.   I started doing that by growing my own food. I may be about For you it may involve spending less money so that you don’t have any debt, or don’t have to work overtime, or a second job.  It maybe freeing space in your life by decluttering.  Maybe it is about finding joy in every day things and being mindful and grateful for what you already have.  It is a journey for everyone, and you learn how to do it by taking fairy steps.  It is not easy stepping away from the norm as we have all been programmed to live busy lives, and spend. In my opinion that is what keeps us trapped. Some times it can feel uncomfortable being different, but the rewards are incredible.  Health and wellbeing improve, stress reduces, and there is an unexplainable feeling of freedom.

I have to remember that I  still live in the real world, this crazy world, and I can’t totally escape it.  I can, however, stay on the very periphery of this manic existence as much as I can,  I do feel that it is easier for us older generation as life was simpler when we were young, and so it doesn’t seem such a big leap to make.  There was less choice, and life was naturally slower and simpler with out all of the technology and expectations that there are today.  I think that is why so many of us over 60s are reducing our hours, or giving up work early, to live a simple life.  We have also learned from experience that status, money, and material possessions do not make any one happy in the long term.  I wish that I had known that before I got sucked into the scam of work hard, get an education, have a career, get promotions, earn more, buy more, and then you will be successful,  happy and content.  Nope.  I ended up burnt out, and heavily in debt.

I will strive to continue to live my simple life now, no matter how much the modern world contrives to suck me back in.  Life is short and I feel so grateful that I have had this last 10 years enjoying this life style. I have been able to find my authentic self again, spent precious time with loved ones, and had the time to support them.  I have learned to be mindful, rebuilt my relationship with mother nature, improved my health, and realised my worth. The alternative would have been to work until I drop and then be too ill to enjoy my few years of retirement. That is if I made it that far.  Many of my work contemporaries are not with us now, and have not been that lucky.

It took me a long time to realise that I didn’t have to have a small holding, or a log cabin to live a simple life.  I just had to shed the things that brought stress into my life, including some people.  If I could give some words of advice to my younger self now, it would be:-

  • Live simply.
  • Be frugal and don’t fall for consumerism.
  • Stay out of debt (or pay it off if you have some).
  • Be grateful for what you have.
  • Be kind.
  • Look after your health (physical and mental)
  • Don’t stress about things that won’t matter in a few years time.
  • Don’t try to change yourself to fit in.
  • Don’t lose your relationship with nature.
  • Life is not a competition.
  • Do what makes you happy.

What advice would you give your younger self?

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  1. CurlyTop December 4, 2024 at 9:14 pm - Reply

    Thank you Toni for articulating beautifully, the simple life and its benefits as well as how to keep the momentum with small inclusions in our everyday life. Living simply is a joy, not without some thought and consideration, but as long as I take my time and sleep on a big decision, I wouldn’t live my life now, any other way. Moreso, I wouldn’t have the energy to work a full day any more. Thank you for your thoughts and words; they’re really appreciated and great for me to come back to, if I’m having a moment of self doubt.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:38 pm - Reply

      Like you, I couldn’t even imagine working now. Thanks for your lovely comments

  2. Jane December 4, 2024 at 10:02 pm - Reply

    Beautifully written Toni.

    One thing I wished I’d done when younger was save more money and pay more into a pension. It would have been hard, there were times when there was more month than money!

    Money doesn’t buy you happiness but it does give you freedom of choice.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:35 pm - Reply

      Absolutely. Yes I wish I had paid my mortgage off earlier and not got into debt. Thanks for your kind feedback and for sharing

  3. Patricia Rihoy December 5, 2024 at 11:24 am - Reply

    Well written and explained Toni, I find myself withdrawing further into my bubble, modern life intrudes too much lately, I try not to let myself get sucked in by the media and consumer propaganda on how we should all live , but its tough.
    We are lucky in where we live, although not in the countryside, tucked away down our lane it feels like it, we can live our simple life without others intruding.
    I too am often thought strange because I cook, bake, pickle & preserve, wont buy UPF and grow as much veg as we can manage too…nowadays so many people think life is all about what & how much you can buy .. its very sad .

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:34 pm - Reply

      It is, but unfortunately people are encouraged and almost indoctrinated into thinking like that and so in a way it is not their fault. I am pleased for you that you are able to keep your life simple. I too am guilty of hiding in my little bubble. Thanks for your kind feedback and for sharing

  4. Angela Carmody December 5, 2024 at 12:21 pm - Reply

    I often feel out of place in this modern world. I much preferred going into places and paying a bill.last week I was told to get directly in touch with a department at the hospital. I dialled the number I had and waited as there were lot’s before me. I then had options to press. I got someone who couldn’t help, she gave me another number so I tried that, got diverted somewhere else and got a lovely lady who told me the department I wanted didn’t actually have a number so she was the switch board. I gave up and left a message on My Chart( Another modern invention) except it could take 10 days to be seen.
    We cook from scratch mostly and that makes me different from friends and family. My sister asks why we bother growing food when the supermarkets sell everything. When I reply the food is more healthy she answers that she eats the food I try to avoid and who is more healthy? I tell her it tastes better and it is what we like doing.We make chutney and jams and there are no shortages of people hinting they would like some. Sometimes I feel generous but if we have been having conversations about waste of time growing things I probably won’t as I don’t see why I should pick my fruit which takes time to make jam for those who won’t appreciate it.
    I am retired but before that I pent several years looking after my mother. I chose to not work after having my children except I did do home work and had students for some time. I could fit doing what I loved around those things.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:30 pm - Reply

      You have done well to keep your life simple. Thanks for sharing

  5. Jane Payne December 5, 2024 at 12:57 pm - Reply

    Well said Toni! I went off work sick with stress last February. I didn’t feel that it was good for my mental health to return to work so I left at the end of August, it was the best decision I have ever made. I now strive to live a simple life. I have stripped life back to as basic as I can for now but I intend to keep reviewing how it is going and make more changes as needed. I too feel that much as I try to simplify modern life keeps trying to intrude, it is a work in progress I suppose.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:28 pm - Reply

      I am so pleased that you managed to leave work. It sounds like you are making great progress. Thanks for sharing

  6. lal farrell December 5, 2024 at 1:09 pm - Reply

    I so agree with all you have written here. Enforcing technology on us is infuriating, apps and carparks particularly.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:27 pm - Reply

      It is, especially if you can’t get a signal or it doesn’t work. Thanks for commenting

  7. FIONA December 5, 2024 at 1:25 pm - Reply

    completely agree with you Toni – do my best NOT to do anything which requires downloading an app – do not have phone set up to make payments and try to use cash wherever possible. We and do our level best to keep our lives simple, stress free and frugal!

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:26 pm - Reply

      Absolutely. Thanks for sharing

  8. Amanda December 5, 2024 at 1:35 pm - Reply

    A wonderful post Toni, and thank you for reminding us there are many ways to live a simple frugal life. I would tell my younger self that trying to please others that just take and don’t give back is definitely a bad idea, and getting into debt to keep up with others is totally unnecessary to be happy.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:26 pm - Reply

      Definitely. I made those two mistakes as well. Thanks for sharing

  9. Marie December 5, 2024 at 1:58 pm - Reply

    ” We have also learned from experience that status, money, and material possessions do not make any one happy in the long term. I wish that I had known that before I got sucked into the scam of work hard, get an education, have a career, get promotions, earn more, buy more, and then you will be successful, happy and content. Nope. I ended up burnt out, and heavily in debt.”
    That is one of the truest statements I have ever read. Exactly what I am living now. I feel I can’t give up on the rat-race because I have young kids and a mortgage to pay (real estate is just so high, and I didn’t buy a flash house). I wish I could do like you are flee all that…That’s why I check your blog daily, because I love your sound advice. Thank you so much for all you are offering us. Each one of your posts is eye-opening for me.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:25 pm - Reply

      I remember feeling trapped like you when the children were younger and I had just bought a house. Just keep trying to cut back on your spending, and pay your mortgage off more quickly if you can. It gave me much more freedom and choice. I never thought that as a single parent in loads of debt at 48, and at risk of losing my job and everything, that I would be able to retire at 54. It is amazing how you can change your life and your mindset if you have to, and how little money you can live on.

  10. K.Kelly December 5, 2024 at 4:52 pm - Reply

    I hate when you are forced to use apps for things nowadays. I find it very “ big brotherish” , not to mention that many older people do not have access to the technology or the knowledge to do so. I know we often have to help out a neighbor who is very elderly with these sorts of things. Also my nephew was doing a fund raiser for school, which we always try to support, and you could only donate if you used a app to electronically transfer money. I don’t like or use those things. I just gave cash to his mother to do it. Don’t like the direction the world is going and so happy to read about you and others that are pushing back. We all need to take a step back and slow down. We were ment to live and enjoy this life, not just to work and acquire things till you drop, just to enhance the economy.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:19 pm - Reply

      I agree. Thanks for sharing your feelings on the topic

  11. Kelly Watts December 5, 2024 at 4:58 pm - Reply

    Well written and well said, life is not a competition it is to be lived the way it suits us. Obviously we have to live alongside society but we do not have to embrace every idea it comes up with.
    Simplicity is the goal but we are often up against technology requiring us to use smartphones which becomes cluttered with apps or smart meters that gives us a pointless gadget to watch our consumption on.
    Trying to guilt trip us back to work, why when we can manage without, at last the attention is being drawn to the disaffected youth, give them a chance to earn their freedom or chase consumerism as they choose.
    The thought of a universal basic income should be gaining strength and the idea of simple basic living should be a corner stone for this.

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:18 pm - Reply

      I have mixed emotions about the universal income. I can see the pros and the cons. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to comment

  12. Helen December 5, 2024 at 5:55 pm - Reply

    Beautifully put. Spot on xx

    • ToniG December 5, 2024 at 8:15 pm - Reply

      Thanks for your kind feedback

  13. Janet Howard December 5, 2024 at 9:17 pm - Reply

    Thank you Toni. This is so encouraging.

  14. Facebook December 5, 2024 at 10:04 pm - Reply

    Thanks for your post,interesting and very appropriate for myself trying to simplify my life,ive just spoke to my employer about reducing hours to a 3 day week as my stress levels have been high of late,between training and work sometimes one day a week ,not nearly enough,id rather live more frugal andsimply and enjoy the peace ,I’ve had to buy a new iPad for work as my old one I bought second hand works perfectly for my needs but work needs a certain app I can’t get on my old trusted one,it’s assumed people have the latest technology,as you sometimes your forced into buying things just to get by in the modern world,money might be a little tight but stepping back I feel is much needed, so Toni I’ll be reading your posts and incorporating ideas work in progress but now is the time thanks again

  15. Alison Holmes December 7, 2024 at 9:20 am - Reply

    Brilliant article Toni. I spent so many years feeling conflicted and stressed. When I was at work I wanted to be at home to be with my children, but when I was at home I felt I should be at work with my colleagues. I never felt good enough in either role and this led to burn out and stress.
    I retired at 51 to a part time role and eventually left work all together a few years later at 55. It has saved me. I try to live simply (for me anyway) but often fail.
    I have to work at gratitude and keep comparison at bay, and ignore any negative comments from those who don’t understand my choices or why I have made them.

    • ToniG December 8, 2024 at 1:04 pm - Reply

      As a single parent working shifts I can totally totally empathise with those feelings. Glad that you found a way to escape that hamster wheel. Thanks for sharing

  16. Tracyb December 9, 2024 at 7:57 am - Reply

    I gave up a job that was making me ill and haven’t regretted it for a second.
    I have found it quite difficult not knowing people who aspire to a simpler life and keeping up with my own ideals rather than getting sucked in to a lifestyle that I can’t afford or even want, that is why this blog and the FB group are so grounding and encouraging.

    • ToniG December 12, 2024 at 2:12 pm - Reply

      Glad that you like them. I didn’t know anyone either and so the group helps me just as much. Thanks for commenting

  17. Laurie December 13, 2024 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    Thank you for this blog post. I am 53 and have been a nurse for 30 years. I just recently started to watch a
    Youtuber who retired with $500,000 at the age of 57. She has carefully divided her money into 3 different pots to sustain her. She also has a large amount of liquid cash. Her home is paid off and her expenses are $2000/month. It really got me to thinking about also retiring early in about 5 years and just working a 1-2 days a week as a school nurse. My home is paid off and I have a a few CC to pay off. I have a low paying job, but my benefits are amazing with long term retirement that would increase my SS. I would love to relocate into a tiny home village to have community with me as I do not have that now. But my whole family is in this state so it does not make sense to do that now. If I did in the future it would be the only way to have a large cash pot after selling my home. My property taxes are $4800/year and mu house insurance is $2100 which is outrageous. If I could eliminate that I would be so much better off financially. But I keep chugging along.

  18. Julie December 30, 2024 at 4:47 pm - Reply

    Very wise words. Thank you Toni

  19. Zenna January 3, 2025 at 11:06 pm - Reply

    Great post toni ! I’m so glad I’ve opted out of the modern world ! I’m working on my adult children to learn the same ,it’s hard for them when they need to earn and have young children to do things with !

    • ToniG January 5, 2025 at 4:26 pm - Reply

      Yes it is harder for younger people as we that are older remember a more simple life and so it is not alien to us. One of my adult children embraces it. but the other doesn’t. Thanks for sharing

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