December 27, 2024

Post Christmas Aftermath

I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas, but now it is over, once again.  That adrenaline rush of getting everything done on time has dissipated. All of that planning, all of that thought, all of that expectation and excitement, and it is over with in a flash.  Sometimes this can feel a bit like an anti climax, or leave you feeling a bit lost and lethargic after having something to work towards for the last couple of months, (especially if you have been entertaining).  On the other hand, you maybe feeling stressed about the New Year which is just around the corner.  Hopefully you are feeling, neither.  You may feel relieved to just get back to normal.  However you feel, it is ok.

If you are anything like me you might have feelings of regret about how much you have indulged in the rich food over the festive period.  My mind also sometimes races towards thoughts of the new year.  In times past I felt like I was having to make resolutions to put right all of my failings. I just wanted the year over.  I now no longer feel pressured into thinking about making changes, or setting goals, resolutions, or intentions, although often I want to.  Maybe this Christmas you might have spent too much, and blown your budget. You might feel stressed.  Although taking actions can make you feel more in control, please don’t feel like you have to put everything right today, tomorrow, or even on New Years eve.

My message today is to be gentle with yourself, and breathe.  Try not to stress or feel overwhelmed.  A few days eating too much, drinking too much, or time spent watching too much television is not going to harm you. If the budget is blown, you have the frugal habits (or can learn them), and can sort out your finances and budget on another day, especially if your head is not in a good place today. Small, steady, fairy steps are better than trying to take giant leaps, and then failing.

Everything can be fixed, and most people have probably indulged in something that they regret this Christmas.  Showing yourself some compassion and understanding is what is needed right now.  The more that you overthink , feel guilty, and stress about these things, the more that you are likely to continue with the bad habits, and lose any good habits that you have built up recently.   Try to remind yourself of the good times that you have had over the festive period, or what you have achieved, even the little things.  It might be that you cooked a lovely meal, you made your own presents, you didn’t knock the block off that uncle who made a joke about your Yorkshire puddings, or that you got through the whole festive period missing someone with only one cry.

You don’t need to make any big changes or make any big decisions at the moment just because the first of the month is coming up.  You can set new intentions when the time is right for you, and any day of the week.  You don’t have to clear the house up, or take the decorations down if you don’t feel like it, or want to  You don’t have to go sale shopping because the TV adverts are panicking you into it. No matter how rushed you feel due to lack of time, try to slow down today and take deep breaths, even if you are working.

Please also practice some self care, and do what ever helps you.  It might be crafting, going to the gym, seeing friends, a pamper day, a day curled up with a book. For me it is walking in nature, dancing and singing in my kitchen to my power tunes, watching a ‘feel good’ film, or activities like the wheel of life

Take the pressure off yourself, and give yourself the gift of kindness.  That same kindness that you show every one else. If you want to make changes today, they do not have to be dramatic.  Real change happens by making little changes, even if it is just one a week.  It might be taking a set amount of cash the next time you go shopping, clearing something up whilst the adverts are on the TV, making a fruit salad so that you have something healthy to snack on, or saving that basket of online shopping until tomorrow to see if you still want to buy everything.  The more little, positive habits that you build into your life, the less room there is for the bad ones.

Yesterday was a bad day for me, foodwise. I fed my feelings of overwhelm.  However, I am not going to beat myself up. Today I have gone back to my habit of fasting for 16 hours a day, and not eating as soon as I get up, and continuing until I go to bed. It is a first, small step. I will still probably eat chocolate, and other unhealthy stuff, but at least I will have less time in which to do it.  I will also put a good film on to motivate myself to do some ironing, but keep my spirits up.  I had my relaxing and catching up day yesterday as we celebrated Christmas early with some of the family being key workers who were on shift over the festive period.  Just as you will later, I now want to break out of my post Christmas lethargy.  With self care, you will want to,too, when the time is right for you.  What are you strategies for coping in this period known as ‘Twixtmas’.


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  1. Sally Dodd December 27, 2024 at 12:01 pm - Reply

    Great words as usual. Thank you x

  2. Phyllis Sharp December 27, 2024 at 12:56 pm - Reply

    Another inspiring post and a lovely read, which made me think and re-evaluate.
    I got up and organised the left over food then had the thought of going shopping, then stopped and thought …. what do I need ?
    ( nothing ) , who do I need so see ? ( no-one) , where do I need to be ? ( nowhere ) , so a gentle at home day, no spending, no rushing, just a day at home relaxing.
    Thank you Toni xxx

  3. Amanda December 27, 2024 at 1:53 pm - Reply

    Such a thoughtful post Toni. I’m feeling a bit lost after all the rush and definitely my mood has dropped a bit, but like you I am learning how to adjust. I decided not to go shopping to look for bargains, as even if I found lots of cheap cream it would mean putting more pressure on myself to make butter in a hurry. Instead I have pottered around tidying up, made some sauerkraut with my cheap cabbage, and made a lovely salad for lunch.

  4. Angela Carmody December 27, 2024 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    I usually can’t wait to pack away all the decorations and any sign of Christmas and start to think of the coming months. Once everything is neatly back in the loft or wherever it goes I can think ahead.
    Spring seems far away but if you think that seeds will need to be sown usually by March and probably April at the latest, then January to March isn’t too long and I like the fact that it is time to start growing future food that we will hopefully be successful with.

    • Facebook December 27, 2024 at 3:47 pm - Reply

      Another good post Toni,I had working Christmas,so a lazy indulgent day to day at home,it’s a very still day today,I never feel very good after over indulging ,I always buy the usual Christmas fare ,although have cut down as only myself I like the idea of it more than the actual food itself,I have no desire for going to supermarket looking for sales nothing I need, I do need to be more frugal and eating more heathly , it’s a work in progress,maybe I’ll look into growing some things this year,but will have to be in containers as only very small garden,meal planning I’ve never done something else I may look into ,and also would like to do some kind of craft ,all food for thought today

  5. Angela December 27, 2024 at 9:03 pm - Reply

    Great Post. I dramatically reduced what I used to buy for the Xmas period but still bought too much ,hoping to learn year on year with recognition that most of the pressure comes from within ourselves .

  6. Talis December 28, 2024 at 9:33 am - Reply

    Another great post it’s definitely an anti climax the festive time. It can be very draining being with my OH who doesn’t show any excitement about occasions at all. It thoroughly brings me joy when I see my special needs sister, I saw her on the 23rd December and took her out , my other sister who had her with my mother on Christmas eve, Christmas day and boxing. I haven’t seen her like I would like as it takes her away from the staff team! So I’m having her on the 1st for 3 nights and taking her down to stoke to my other sister and fiancé. We are celebrating Christmas day then . We thoroughly enjoy spending time with our special needs sister and is like a child opening her presents and seeing her face light up brings us both joy. Will be nice to spend time away from my OH I don’t mean to be unkind but it can be stressful being with him at times so I’m looking forward to getting away for this little break from him! X❤️

    • ToniG December 30, 2024 at 1:08 pm - Reply

      I can totally understand. Have a lovely time with your sister x

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