February 4, 2025

11 ways to earn money if you do not have a job

Prices are constantly increasing, and I know a lot of people that do not want to go to work in a proper job, especially retired people, but need a little bit more income.  Here are some examples of some ways that you can earn a bit more money to help with all the extra costs, but are also a way to keep busy if you are bored, have retired, finished work early due to ill health, are a parent at home, are studying, or can only find part time work.  Most of us have some kind of assets or skills that other people will need, or want.

Rent your drive way

If you have a house that has a drive in a city where parking is expensive, or near a place of interest, you could rent it our for the day, or the week.  There are parking apps or websites that you can register and list your space and look for renters.  If you have a land lord you must ask their permission first, and it is best to check with your mortgage lender if you do not own the house out right.  There may be insurance implications as well.  If you live in an area where you have to have a permit to park in your drive, you can not loan them out.

Start a YouTube or podcast

If you have a topic that you are interested in you could start a pod cast or a YouTube channel.  You may need some equipment, an idea, and eventually be able to monetise it through advertising, listener support, or memberships.  You will also need to be consistent, and it may take time to start paying dividends.

Make your hobby into a little business

I used to do this when I was studying full time.  I was a single parent and in those days we did not get paid during the holidays.  I therefore started a little gardening business.  I put cards up where I knew people with money would go eg the tennis and golf club. I also put flyers through the letter boxes on estates where I knew a lot of elderly people were living.  I got lots of work and all of them did not mind me taking my 6 year old daughter with me.  In fact, the older people loved her company, and used to spoil her rotten.  I still sell or swap seedlings and strawberry plants from runners, now to help with the cost of gardening.

I have a friend who photographs weddings for a little extra money since she retired, and a few friends that sell home made crafts.  A few hours cleaning or using woodwork skills maybe other ideas.

Walk a dog

Lots of people have dogs and often need some one to walk them at lunch time whilst they are at work.  If you love animals it could be a good opportunity to earn some extra money.  You do not need any qualifications or special training to be a dog walker but it would probably be best to have some insurance.  Dog walkers charge between £15 and £20 an hour.  You could advertise on social media or by putting post cards up in post offices and other public places.

Run workshops

If you have something that you are good at or enjoy, that is something that other people may need or like, you could run an odd workshop.  I have run workshops on vision boards, ecotherapy, and making mosaics.  I had liability insurance, and knew about my subject.  I held the workshops in my home, and in the wild.  I wrote and provided some resources, drinks, and for the day courses some lunch (soup and homemade bread and a slice of cake).  I would make between £30 to £90 a day per person, and keep to  small groups so that it felt personal.

House sit

There are websites that you can join, but usually you have to pay a fee.  The house owners join the site for free and advertise when they want some one to house sit.  Often it is to look after pets.  An example of such a website is Housesitters.com.  You could get a free holiday doing this as well as getting paid up to £75 a day or £300 a week.  There is also work to be found advertising your services feeding animals in your own area when people go on holiday, or are working late.

Take in a lodger

It is possible to earn £7,500 tax free from renting a spare room in your home.  Some people rent just during the week, and other people rent on six monthly contracts (or longer).  This needs to be thought about seriously as it could be someone that you do not know living with you.

Before getting a lodger you should seriously think about which areas of your home that you will be willing to share, and the impact on your life and finances.  It also best to get a signed contract or agreement, and think about how you will find your lodger, and if and how you will get them vetted.

Air BnBs.

It is possible to rent out a room for one or a few nights through sites like AirBnB.co.uk or other rental sites.  The room needs to be a bedroom with it’s own door that that only the renter will use during their stay.  They also need to have access to a bathroom, and maybe kitchen facilities. Fire checks and alarms need to be up to date, and landlords or mortgage companies should be informed.  This could also impact on insurance policies.  Strangers would need access to your property and so it is worth thinking about the safety of your possessions.

Sell or rent your belongings eg tools, gym equipment, cameras.

It is possible to rent out musical instruments, tools, camping gear, cameras, etc.  Items can be rented out to local organisations,  businesses, or individuals.  There are websites that help you rent out your belongings. eg. fatlama.com/uk.  You can also sell items on platforms like FB Market place, or Ebay or at auction houses.  Be aware that if you sell items over the amount of £1,000 that these platforms will notify HMRC.

Rent out your garage or loft space.

This can be done through local contacts or through on line platforms..  Before you do this, it would be an idea to research prices and clear it out.  For a loft you also need to check with the local council that all building regulations are met, and notify a mortgage provider and your insurance company.  A loft needs permanent stairs and  smoke detectors.  For lofts and garages back ground checks should be done and a rental agreement made.

Renting out your designer clothes and handbags

This may be a way to make extra income if you have designer or have good quality clothes. There are websites that can advertise for you.  Charity shops or online selling sites and great place to find clothes and accessories to then rent.  They need to be clean and in good condition.

Note of Caution

There will be tax implications involved with earning money if it puts you over the tax threshold.  Keeping accurate records will help with dealing with this.  Hiring an accountant may be able to reduce the amount of tax that you pay.  In lots of circumstances, banks no longer keep your financial transactions private, any more, and government departments and HMRC can gain access to your statements and records.




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  1. Angela Carmody February 5, 2025 at 2:13 pm - Reply

    Before I married and had my own home in my spare time I did painting. I used to take orders before Christmas for Christmas cards and would hand paint eaxmch o e in water colours. I also did oil painting and people used to ask for pictures, one neighbour wanted a picture of her dachsund that had died. I was given a postcard to go by. Another person wanted an avenue of trees so I did an autumn theme but then she decided it should be summer so I had to change it. I have done fruit bowls and vases of flowers for people amongst other things. I got paid but because I knew all the people they expected them to not cost a lot, they also wanted me to frame them.
    After I had my home the oil painting stopped as a picture needed to dry for about 3 weeks so I didn’t have the space and didn’t have the time either when the first baby came along.
    I used to have foreign students, either a week or 2 weeks at a time but after a while gave up as most were nice and no trouble but a few were never home at the time the schools stated and some were very fussy with meals, some weren’t sociable and in the end I stopped. It certainly cost more to have then I can make our meals for now. Fridge gravel wasn’t a thing then.
    I got a weekly news paper round for my first son but I used to walk the dog at the same.e time as some of the flats he had to deliver at weren’t the nicest. Then the other son took over when he was old enough.I didn’t need to give the boys pocket money so I was better off too.
    I did cleaning for my mother in law and accompanied her to her medical appointments. I know she was a relative but she said that she wanted someone to clean her flat twice a week and she didn’t want a stranger doing it. I agreed and then I had an aunt who wanted the same but part of her job included looking after her tiny garden. I Ioved doing the garden and then a bit of housework as she also insisted I was to be paid, she also didn’t want a stranger in her house.
    In the meantime I was still making my own greetings cards, made notelets as gifts. I sold things by putting cards in the local shop windows and then we started having car boot sales to declutter and also to sell things from relatives homes when we had to clear those.
    I now only make most of my own greetings cards, grow as much food as we can and still try selling unwanted things on Facebook or Gumtree.
    Last year as we had quite a lot of young plants over I advertised those and they were very popular. I found people liked a variety of different plants. Two of the people who bought some plants were replacing the ones they had bought as young plants but had been eaten. I might try it again this year.

  2. Amanda Dobson February 5, 2025 at 3:15 pm - Reply

    Lots of great ideas. Your blogs are always so helpful thank you so much

  3. Georgina McMath February 5, 2025 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    Very inspiring, thank you for such great ideas

  4. Sharon February 6, 2025 at 7:19 am - Reply

    I love how you think outside the box. There are some good ideas here. Thank you.

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