September 29, 2024

Air fryer smoked cheese and apple quiche

I wanted to make something nice for lunch to have with salad from the garden.  I  needed to make something quickly and have been meaning to make this air fryer smoked cheese and apple quiche for a while.  It would  have been too much effort and time to make pastry, and I did not want to put the oven on, and so I used a wrap as the base and cooked it in the air fryer.  I cooked it in a 6 inch tin but the ingredients could be increased to make a larger one.  Sausage is also nice in this with some chopped sage


1 large wrap

2oz smoked cheese, grated

1 onion chopped small (any colour)

I medium apple, peeled and chopped

2 large eggs, whisked

60 ml of milk or cream

Salt and pepper to season



  1.  Cook the onion for a few minutes in a little oil and then add the apple and cook 2 minutes more.  The onion should be translucent.
  2.  Press the wrap into the tin.  I use a loose bottomed tin so that it is easy to get the quiche out.
  3.  Place the cheese into the bottom of the wrap and place the cooked apple and cheese on top.
  4.   Mix the eggs and the milk or cream together in the jug and season.  Add to the quiche.
  5.  Cook on 160C for 18 minutes. All air fryers are different and so I checked it was cooked by making a small slit with a sharp knife.  If the egg does not run out of it when pressed, it is cooked.  If it does it means that it needs a little bit longer.

If adding sausage and  sage, the sage would be chopped finely and added with the eggs, and the sausage would need to be cooked and sliced thinly before adding with the cheese.  Just one sausage sliced thinly would be enough for this sized quiche.  This quiche can also be made in a pastry base and cooked in the oven like this vegetable quiche.  I really like the mix of the smoked cheese and the apple and it doesn’t taste sweet at all.  It is also another apple used from the bags we have from foraging.

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  1. Katie Naden October 13, 2024 at 1:05 pm - Reply

    I agree smoked cheese flavour goes well with apple & a little goes along way . I like spicy chorizo too for the same reason & it lasts well but can be hard to find in Aldi so I buy it when I see it . I’m guessing you could make an egg custard in the same way .

    • ToniG October 13, 2024 at 2:06 pm - Reply

      Yes I guess so. I haven’t made an egg custard for ages. I find the spicy chorizo in Lidl sometimes. Thanks for commenting

  2. Angela Carmody October 13, 2024 at 7:05 pm - Reply

    I like the sound of this quiche with the apple and smoked cheese and will make it while we have apples. I like the wrap idea for the base. I think it must be healthier than pastry and certainly is easier to do, we have been using wraps as the base since I read you did it for another quiche some time ago.
    Thank you for the good idea.

    • ToniG October 15, 2024 at 7:15 pm - Reply

      Yes the wraps make baking so much easier. I sometimes do lasagne. that way too

  3. Sharon Cade October 15, 2024 at 6:05 pm - Reply

    This looks very tasty ! Will be trying this x

    • ToniG October 15, 2024 at 7:10 pm - Reply

      Thanks. I hope that you like it

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