January 23, 2025

Baked Egg custard tart

This dessert was very fashionable when I was young and can still be found in supermarkets and bakeries.  It is easy to make from staples in the cupboards and fridge.  Mr S loves them and I wanted to get some brownie points as I need something mending in the garden.  We are eating from the pantry and so I made some as a treat for him when I had the oven on the other day. Baked Egg Custards are quite expensive to buy from a bakery, but are frugal and easy to make.  This mixture made 3 medium tarts (enough for two people and not the small individual ones).  It could have made a large tart (7 or 8 inches across), but I thought that we might eat it all in one go if we did that.


4oz Short crust pastry (that is the weight of the flour)

2 large, or 3 small eggs

Half a pint of milk

I heaped tbsp of sugar

Grated or ground nutmeg (not essential but makes them tastier)


  1.  Put the oven on 200C or 425F.
  2.  Grease and line tin (or tins) with pastry.  I have made this in a 7 or 8 inch tart tin before
  3.  Beat the eggs and add to the sugar in a jug.
  4.  Warm the milk slightly (not hot or will make scrambled egg) and add to the eggs and the sugar, stir.
  5.  Put then mixture through a sieve into the tart case.  You do not need to blind bake it.
  6. Sprinkle or grate some nutmeg on the top.
  7. Put in the centre of the oven for 15 minutes to set the pastry and then for best results reduce the temperature to 160C or 325F (mine is a bit over baked as I could not do this as I was cooking other things like mince pies and bread).
  8. Cook for a further 20 to 30 minutes, or until the custard is set.


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