I am always looking for ways to save money or to visit the supermarket less. During the pandemic I ran out of wholemeal bread flour and so I foraged some dock seeds and used that to replace some of the flour. This is a good tip to know if flour supplies are reduced, as keeps being predicted. Dock grows every where and is a free resource.
This is the time of year to be collecting the seeds when they are dry on the stems. I just run my hand up them and drop them straight into a bag when I am collecting them. They come off really easily. I then grind them with a food processor or a coffee grinder. You could grind them with a pestle and mortar if you do not have the gadgets. They taste better if you toast the seeds in a dry pan or on a baking tray in the oven, but you do not have to. Just keep moving the seeds so that they do not burn. This time I only swopped a 10th of the flour when I baked, but I have added more in the past when I ground it finer, probably about a 6th of the weight of wheat flour. I forgot to run it through the sieve to get the bigger seeds out. It gives the bread a nutty flavour and works well. Mr S was reticent about trying it the first time I used it in case it was poisonous, but he is still alive today a couple of years later, had no adverse effects, and now gives it the thumbs up.
This flour is heavier than store bought flour which is why I tend to not use it as the only flour in bread. It wouldn’t work with cakes, but I have made flat breads, crackers, using just this flower, and have used it half and half in dumplings. I am putting a link here to the easy bread recipe that I use. It needs only one prove.
Thank you for yet another absolutely inspiring recipe 🍞xx
No worries. Thanks so much for commenting on my website x
Lovely. I am going out to collect dock seed now.
Sorry for the late reply. Life is hectic at the moment. Did you make some flour with the dock seeds?
Hi, where is the recipe for the bread? I can’t seem to find the link.
Sorry the link was not very clear as I was just learning about how to link when I wrote that. I have high lighted my cheap, easy bread recipe in blue now.