December 1, 2024

Making quality pork sausage meat at a quarter of the price

Christmas is approaching and so we will be using sausage meat in stuffing, sausages rolls and maybe in a sausage plait.  It is often difficult to find good quality sausage meat at a reasonable price, and when we do, it is usually full of rubbish.  This year we are making our own sausage meat.

I am writing this post to show you how much money you can save if you have a mincer and are clever about when you buy your meat. We buy some of ours around bank holidays, Christmas and Easter as that is when most of the supermarkets sell it at half price. The rest of our meat we can then afford to buy from a butcher or farm shop. It is a compromise as we can’t afford to buy it all that way on our small food budget.  Supermarkets in the UK always seem to sell joints for roasting at half price in November.
Last week  we processed a joint that we bought at this reduced price.  When we make sausages we make them 90% meat and they have no nasties in them.  Due to the fact that we are making sausage meat for things like sausage rolls, we decided to make it 80%, which is still a higher proportion of meat to the ones that you can find in the supermarket.  The joint cost us £5.86. Tesco’s finest sausage meat which is 78% meat is £3.75 a pack. This is for 350g. Our packs of sausage meat are 400g and do not have all the extra nasties in them. They are just home made bread (soaked in water). Home made wild garlic salt (made with Gaelic salt), and white pepper.
From this joint we got 4 lots of 400g sausage meat, 2 chops for a meal, and a thick breakfast sausage burger. The sausage meat alone would have been over £15 and worse quality. We spent £5.86 and it took us 10 minutes to make (we did soak the bread over night). The mincer and sausage maker cost £30 last Christmas (Housnat is the the make of ours), but we got it as a present. It has saved us so much money this year making minced beef, minced pork, and lots of flavoured sausages eg chilli, pork and apple, and plain breakfast sausages. This one kitchen appliance has not only saved us money, but has made our food healthier at no extra cost.😁. The pork joint and the picture of the bought sausage meat are from the same shop. I had to have a club card to get this deal on the pork but we have one anyway.  Most supermarkets are selling reduced joints now in the UK.
Here  is the link to how we make our sausages and sausage meat, and the proportion of bread and seasoning to add.  We put less salt in now than the recipe says (probably half).  If you are not sure if you have enough seasoning, you can always fry a bit off and taste it, and add more to taste,

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