Whenever the oven is on, I try to fill it. We are always baking ahead, not only to save money, but to save time. I will often cook some pastry pie lids or some tart cases to freeze, and use later. They crisp up nicely with a few minutes in the air fryer when thawed.
Yesterday I put some stewed grated apple (from foraging) in a tart case which was taken from the freezer. Some left over custard was spooned on top. This is a great way to use up those little bits of compote, cream etc that is not enough for meal but you do not want to throw it away.
Other times I have put some cooked blackberries in with piped cream on top, or a blob of yoghurt or ice cream. Sometimes I put jam, banana, custard and coconut to make a Manchester tart. I will use what ever I have in at the time. Lemon curd sometimes goes in one and I will put meringue kisses on top. My favourite is when I put some squares of chocolate in one with some marshmallows on top and then bake it for a few minutes. The tart cases are 4 or 5 cm across and so they don’t need a lot to fill them. The cases keep fresh for 4 days in a sealed tin if you don’t have room in the freezer. It is a good way try to make the food we eat seem special, even if it is frugal and hasn’t cost much.😋

What would you put in your tart cases? The cases are good for savoury fillings as well if you make them with short crust pastry.
Left over potato with a little cheese and any other left over cooked veg make a good quick filling, but I like the sound of your apple one
That does sound nice. Thanks
I used to make a flan with raspberries usually and set them in a raspberry jelly. My mum used to make tarts using golden syrup and putting either bread crumbs or cornflakes on top.
I would probably make a quiche these days using our tomatoes, courgettes and onions and any other vegetables that I thought were suitable.
All of those ideas sound lovely, and show the changing times in your life. Thanks for sharing
A little cake mixture on top of jam or fruit and popped in the oven along with the large cake or buns.
A lovely idea. I have so much jam to use up as we haven’t eaten much this winter due to trying to cut down on sugar. Thanks for sharing
I’ve just made a mincemeat sponge cake with leftover minced meat from Christmas . I would think that could be added or jam /apple & sponge mix .
Absolutely. That sounds lovely