January 23, 2025

Healthy chocolates with almonds

I was craving something sweet, and chocolate, but am trying not to spend any money.  I made a few of the chocolate discs that I made before Christmas but fancied something different.  I had bought two trays of dates for £1 after Christmas, had most of a bar of plain chocolate, and some whole almonds.  I therefore decided to make some reasonably healthy chocolates.  I had seen these in a posh health shop for a lot of money just before Christmas and wanted to recreate them.


Dates with stones in

Whole Almonds (with or without skins)

Chocolate of choice.


  1.  If your almonds have skins on as mine did, place them in some boiling water to remove skins.
  2.  Slit the dates open and remove the stones.
  3.  Rub the skins off of the almonds and place inside the cavity of the date where the stone had been.  If you have lots of almonds you can often fit two in.
  4. Push the date back together.
  5. Break your chocolate up and melt it either in the microwave, or in a bowl over a pan of boiling water.
  6. Keep checking and stirring every 20 seconds if melting in a microwave.
  7. Roll the date in the chocolate.  I do this with two forks so that the excess chocolate runs away.
  8. Place them on a rack or a silicone mat to firm up.  I put mine in a cold room as the set more quickly.
  9. I had a little bit of white chocolate and so piped it across mine to make them a bit more fancy but they are fine without.
  10. Apparently, Marks and Spencer sell them with marzipan inside instead of the whole almond.

What do you like to make as a sweet treat when you are craving?  I think that I will just cover some Brazil nuts next time that I have chocolate.  I have a lot left from Christmas.  Here are a couple of other ideas.

Sweet treats

healthy chocolates



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